Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Ep 114: Neuropodcast

What is up all you friendly flip flops! After another week in Gaming, the B.E.S.T.ies are back! This week, we all got snatched up in the space tentacles of game we all slept on, Prey(2017)! Overwatch hits us with some of it's biggest news ever, and some pretty sweet titles came out. Speaking of pretty sweet, y'all listeners are both of those, and we appreciate you immensely. Thank you so much. It really helps to spread the word of our little production either to friends and confused looking strangers, or leaving a comment and rating so internet folks can join the fun too! Thanks again and have the B.E.S.T. week you've ever had! @BestEagleAlive @RattleBoyale