Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: Google Stadia

Ep 206: A Medium Game With A Side Of Stadia

Google Stadia is pulling the plug on it’s internal development studios. EA is finally bringing back college football. The Crow returns to share his thoughts on Hades and Eagle jumped in on Medium…a curious game. Thank you for listening, you can find us pretty much anywhere @ Edgy Stances; especially on Twitch!

Ep 109: My Shurikens Don't Lie

The week has come! Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice has grappled into our consoles and hearts and the B.E.S.T.ies dive in like a shinobi for a prayer bead! Also, Is the future…here? Probably not for a couple more years, but the idea of stream based gaming services has been floating around, and Google has announced Stadia, its game streaming service. One more thing, so we tried something different this episode….think you can find it? Thank you to everyone who has been cool enough to be checking us out; that’s really awesome of you and please stick around! Find us on IG, and Twitter, @EdgyStances. It helps the most if you tell a friend, so subscribe and join us weekly! #RattleBoyale @BestEagleAlive

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