Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: Jedi: Fallen Order

Ep 112: Episode CXII, Rise Of Edgestander

What's up Pod-y People!!!! We are here for another week of the B.E.S.T. Show and there's some fun stuff to unpack from this week. Star Wars has been dominating our social media feeds and all of it is pretty exciting. Some new titles hit Game Pass this week, maybe that can pry us away from Sekiro for a bit :/    Find us @edgystances and tell us what you have been gaming on this week! Thank you so much for listening, whether you have been with us from the beginning, or just now giving us a shot; we are honored. Hope y'all have the B.E.S.T. week ever! @RattleBoyale @BestEagleAlive

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