Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: Monster Hunter World

Ep 51: A Crogaine Prodcast

  Agro? Agro?? Well, he'll come around soon. Hey this week we cover the remaster and release of the new Shadow Of The Colossus! This title has one of the quirkiest runs in

Sony Playstation history, and its re-emergence in 2018 looks amazing. We "Wander" through some news we found interesting then chat this beauty up a little bit!

Also, Deadfall Adventures, and Corvus Feather Loss treatment issues. Ratings, reviews, sharing one of our links with a friend; these are all ways to really help us out and we thank you and appreciate it! …..AAAGRO!!!

Ep 49: Podster Hunters

Have you ever mounted and rode a wild Anjanath til your knuckles were white and your stamina depleted? Have you ever snared and trapped your prey right before your blade snaps? Have you ever found Super Bologne in a Conch Shell?? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we should hang out!

This week the B.E.S.T.ies run some investigations on Monster Hunter World, as it has taken up most of our weekends. Check out our Soc Meds (@edgystances) for footage of us getting our booties smacked by these dino-beasts! We reflect on our fav choice headlines over the week and wash it all down with OverAchievers. Reviews are amazing in-podcast-currency so that we get exposure; if you would like to help, a rating and review goes a long way! Thanks!