Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: Smash Bros Ulitmate

Ep 225: Operation Condor

Get hyped because it looks like a multiplayer game set in the Control universe is happening! Overwatch launches it’s crossplay service. Kerry gets deeper and deeper into Yakuza and Crow has been smashing it up. Thanks for listening and catch our weekly stream on Twitch at Edgy Stances!

Ep 93: Drive Me Quazy

Hey heyyy! This week we dish out how our times went with Red Dead Redemption Online! Hope y'all are having a good time getting lasso'd off your horses and general cowboy shenanigans! The Edgies grow closer and closer...join that discord! Find us @edgystances on Twitter and IG. We would LOVE it if you felt inspired to leave a rating and/or review!! Thanks for listening and have a great week! @RattleBoyale @BestEagleAlive

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