Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: Street Fighter

Ep 76: Norman's Sky

 The B.E.S.T.ies are still in space this week, spending more time with No Man's Sky and grinding hard on the Solstice of Heroes event going on in Destiny 2 RIGHT NOW! We finally got to see some gameplay footage of Black Ops 4 Multiplayer and hash that out, and Logitech makes some big-big moves. EVO had one of its biggest showings ever and we dedicate Over Achievers to the genre of Fighting Games. Find us on Twitter/Insta, @EdgyStances, let us know what you're playing! Share with other B.E.S.T.ies, too, in our Discord server! Thanks for tuning in and have a great week!

@RattleBoyale @BestEagleAlive @EdgyStances