Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: Yakuza 0

Ep 158: Yakuza Route Zero

What is up to all our B.E.S.T.ies out there! This week we chat about some fun stuff coming up in the near future, and what we played this week! Have you played Kentucky Route Zero? The complete work just got released for Xbox One and we were excited to give it a go. Another big title that is new to the Xbox players is Yakuza 0! Take it easy on us if you PlayStation vets know all about the Yakuza series....and let's be happy that a whole other crowd of gamers can now get a shot at what the legendary series is all about! Hit us up on Twitter and IG, we are @edgystances, and thanks for joining us!

@rattleboyale @besteaglealive

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