Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: nintendo direct

Ep 82: Blight Daddy

WOOOO what a week! The B.E.S.T.ies got to take a few (hundred) shots at being the last one standing in BLACKOUT, the battle royale subsititute for the campaign in the upcoming Black Ops 4. We get to hash out our thoughts and go through all 7 stages of grief as the beta ends and we all look forward to Treyarch’s release. A fireteam has beaten the new raid in Destiny 2, Clan Redeem has changed the galaxy. Also, we spend some time with Spiderman and re visit a little No Man's Sky. Thank you so much for listening, if you are a regular, please tell a buddy and leave a rating/review if you haven't already. Find us on social media @EdgyStances, @rattleboyale, and @besteaglealive. Contact through EdgyStances@gmail.com. Thanks and enjoy!

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Ep 55: E3 2018 Predictions/Dark Souls Giveaway!

We are throwing our E3 predictions up early this year! Calling our shots in advance, the B.E.S.T.ies discuss what we think (and hope!) to see at E3 2018! We also reflect on the outstanding Nintendo Direct that went down over this past week.

This is also the Opening Day of our Dark Souls Remastered Giveaway! Check out @EdgyStances on IG and Twitter, Follow us and leave a comment on the post to enter! We will draw the winner in May to receive a key code for Dark Souls on the platform of their preference!!!!  As for the show, please tell a friend, and let us know what you would like us to cover, and as always, a review or rating would be tremendously appreciated!

Jacob @RattleBoyale

Eagle @BestEagleAlive