Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: DEstiny 2

Ep 172: The All-Sparkly

Hey we are all back again, wishing y’all well this week. So we got to Destiny’s first live event and future plans…but is it enough? We also played through Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture.

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We are on Dash Internet Radio, on the Multiplayer Channel, New episodes Thurs!

Listen to our back issues, and check out the Podcast Of Power! at Edgystances.com

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What a week! The "drought" is officially over as the B.E.S.T.ies embark on adventures riddled with bounties and bullets. Lots of Pew Pew goin down at the Edgy Stances studio!

We hash out our time with the Battlefield V demo, and report our findings in Destiny 2 Forsaken. Finally, we switch gears to chat up the new Spiderman for PS4. Thanks so much for listening, if you enjoy what we do, we would LOVE some ratings and reviews! Check us out @edgystances, connect with us on the Discord server!

@RattleBoyale @BestEagleAlive @EdgyStances

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Ep 75: No Man's Pod

It's been, probably, one of the B.E.S.T. weeks ever for us at Edgy Stances, and we hope it has been for you, too! We have full-on relapsed on Destiny 2 this week, our families are pissed. We not only defend the galaxy, but we explore/archive/punch it too, with the exciting NEXT update for No Man's Sky; particularly on it's release for XBOX One. Also, we chat about "sports-ifying" esports and the approach we have seen so far in 2018 through media to hype up the ever growing gaming craze on the internet and television. Thank you, all of you out there for checking us out, and please join our Discord server (EdgyStances!) so we can thank you personally!

@EdgyStances @RattleBoyale @BestEagleAlive Edgystances@gmail.com

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