Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: game review

Ep 77: Don't Give Up, Edgies!

Another big week here at EdgyStances.com, we have a guest! Jeremy Greer, creator of mucho content and podcast host stops by do the show with us today! This week has been revealing, to say the least. We saw gameplay and update reveals for Red Dead Redemption 2, Rage 2, and year 2 details for Destiny 2's upcoming content Forsaken. Dead Cells came out and we have absolutely swarmed all over that thing and can't wait to hash it out! Hope yall have a great week!

@RattleBoyale @besteaglealive

Jeremy Greer -@jpgreer

@MOTW, @DGUSPodcast

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Ep 75: No Man's Pod

It's been, probably, one of the B.E.S.T. weeks ever for us at Edgy Stances, and we hope it has been for you, too! We have full-on relapsed on Destiny 2 this week, our families are pissed. We not only defend the galaxy, but we explore/archive/punch it too, with the exciting NEXT update for No Man's Sky; particularly on it's release for XBOX One. Also, we chat about "sports-ifying" esports and the approach we have seen so far in 2018 through media to hype up the ever growing gaming craze on the internet and television. Thank you, all of you out there for checking us out, and please join our Discord server (EdgyStances!) so we can thank you personally!

@EdgyStances @RattleBoyale @BestEagleAlive Edgystances@gmail.com

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Ep 73: Yenny Lane

Even though Code Vein got pushed back, we move forward with our heads held high! Thanks for joining us for another episode! This week we chat about the new additions to season 5 of Fortnite, wish Rocket League a happy anniversary, and share our thoughts on The Culling 2. We also spent time this week with Fallout 4, Yakuza 6, ReCore, CS:GO, and Wizard of Legend.

OverAchievers makes its usual appearance, and we hope y'all enjoy the show! If you would like to show some support, we would really love some ratings and reviews on Itunes! Find us @EdgyStances on social media and EdgyStances.com! Thanks!

@Rattle Boyale @BestEagleAlive

Ep 69: E3 of Legend

WOOOOO what a weekend. Not this past one, the E3 weekend! Yeah yeah, we are a week behind at the moment, but only to cover the second half of E3 2018!!!! This week we cover the Sony, Ubisoft, and Nintendo press conferences for the big weekend! We also spent some time with, and chat up Wizard Of Legend. What's your fav show of E3? Let us know! @Edgystances, Edgystances@gmail.com, mayyyybeeeee rate and review us?? We appreciate all you listeners out there, THANK YOU so much!
@RattleBoyale, @BestEagleAlive, @EdgyStances, EdgyStances.com

Ep 67: Pre-E3 2018 Hype!!!

Its here! Its happening! E3 2018 kicks off in a couple of days; with special events hosted by the developers we all know and love scheduled for nearly every day this week leading up to the big party! GuestKerryAlive sits in for an absent Eagle and we all talk Pokemon, Fallout 76, Anthem, and what we all hope to see the most this weekend! Let us know what you are looking forward to, hit us up @EdgyStances, or Edgystances@gmail.com! Stars and reviews are hugely appreciated around here! Hope you have a great week and we will be chatting with you all again soon!

@RattleBoyale, @BestEagleAlive, @EdgyStances, @BestKerryAlive