Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor


Within the world of Massive Multiplayer Oceanic Online Pirate Role Playing Games and Boat Simulators, one stands out above the rest, Sea Of Thieves! Eagle gets early access and shares! Meanwhile, on land, Brent slays the Orc horde to protect his Precious in Shadow Of War! Please rate and review or tell a buddy about our Podcast Of Gaming, and receive many Thanks Of B.E.S.T.ies! Ok. I'll stop. OverAchievers this week is Stick Of Truth (that’s the name, not my fault), in anticipation of the release of South Park: Shattered But Whole! Thank you to everybody listening, please give us a shout at EdgyStances.com!

Ep 20: Jacob Doomfisted Us...

Jacob took a vacation from the tissue testing plant, so Eagle and the Old Crow took this week on themselves. We wimpier about the void Jake fills each week but come back to our senses. Then move on to talk about a new character in Overwatch, ARK: Survival Evolved price jump, and Summer games done quick. Then Nintendo comes out of left field with Eagle buying a switch!!! And Brent snagging a copy of Monster Hunter Generations... whats really going on? As sweet talks of Shadow of Mordor, Firewatch, and of course PUBG rounds off this melancholy B.E.S.T. cast. And they say one is the loneliest number....

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