Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: Overwatch

Ep 164: Never Break the Chain

Greetings to the world! Hope y'all are happy and healthy, our hearts are with you! Thank you for checking us out this week. There has been some exciting things going on! HAVE to mention the Crysis tweet, HAVE to mention the PS5 controller design, HAVE to mention Echo!!!!! Yargh, what a week. We also jumped into Kona, the NOT Hawai'i one; and the Crow beat Control! There's lots more packed in there, as well. Say hello on Tik Tok, Twitter, and the Gram, we are @edgystances. Ratings and Reviews are much appreciated, as well! Thanks! @Besteaglealive @Rattleboyale

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Ep 125: What About the La-Babies??

Hey what's up and happy week to you! This week we, of course, throw around some thoughts on the newly announced Switch Lite; and spend some time with some games besides Destiny (uh, we did that too tho...), and that would be The Outer Wilds, and Crow finished up My Friend Pedro. Please find us on social media and join our discord, we love to talk video games! We are @edgystances, website is edgystances.com, and we hope y'all have the B.E.S.T. week ever! Ratings and reviews, if you're so inclined, are greatly appreciated!

@besteaglealive @rattleboyale

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Ep 89: Eternal Blazin'

Yo Yo Yo! Happy week to you! On this episode, we have some very exciting news, y'all can now find us on SPOTIFY!!!!! Wow! As always, we are on Dash Radio, and your fav podcast app…so maybe let a friend know about all of these options! So this week, we have been marching through Red Dead Redemption 2, and we break down the big events of the weekend at BlizzCon. Please feel free to join our Discord server, we would love to chat with you! Its easy to find, if you check out our Twitter or IG, @edgystances, there will be a link to make it easy. Ratings and reviews, once again, really really great for us to reach a wider audience; and thank you for just listening! Hope y'all have a the B.E.S.T. week ever! @RattleBoyale @BestEagleAlive

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Ep 86: ACrownym

It's here!! Black Ops 4 has finally parachuted in, ending our withdrawal symptoms! This week, the B.E.S.T.ies dive in with our thoughts on the exciting new title. After we run down some headlines, the Elder Crow takes over for Crowver Achievers. Thanks for listening! Check out Dash Radio, maybe tell a buddy? Contact us at EdgyStances@gmail.com, social media is @Edgystances, @BestEagleAlive,@RattleBoyale


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Ep 74: A Dash of Edgy

Hey we are back this week with a big announcement: We are now being broadcast on Dash Radio! Thank you to all listeners out there for being super rad and we are supremely humbled to have this opportunity!

Aaaanyway...This week we can hardly contain ourselves! With No Man's Sky about to hit our Xbox's and our hearts, and Overwatch getting even more interesting with Buffs N Hamsters going live this week...it's gonna be a big show. Again, thanks for everything, please pass us along to a buddy, and we hope y'all have the B.E.S.T. week you've ever had!

@RattleBoyale, @BestEagleAlive, @EdgyStances

Ep 52: A Burning, Churning Yearning

So its been a year, officially. Thank you so much, whoever you are reading this! It has been a lot of fun, and we hope you stick with us! So this week we chat about The Hunt, some older driving classics, and OverAchievers. Can't wait for year 2!


Ep 25: Esports Gladiators

This week the boys have a returning guest, BestKerryAlive1, AKA Kerry! For Honor, Hellblade, XCOM 2, Hello Neighbor, the v1.3 No Man's Sky update, and Bluehole being stuffed with green is at the top of the hour; but the meat and potatoes in this episode is all about Esports! Whether the populous acknowledges it or not, millions of viewers tune in to watch professional gamers battle it out in tournaments.And for some of these dedicated players they can become millionaires when they are the victors of said competitions. According to the Old Crow, it can be as easy as spending $500 to build a gaming PC, and you will become an Overwatch, Dota 2, PUBG, or CS:GO pro! Ya gotta spend the money to make the money! Enjoy our rambling and thanks for tuning in!

Hit us up!!!

Ep 20: Jacob Doomfisted Us...

Jacob took a vacation from the tissue testing plant, so Eagle and the Old Crow took this week on themselves. We wimpier about the void Jake fills each week but come back to our senses. Then move on to talk about a new character in Overwatch, ARK: Survival Evolved price jump, and Summer games done quick. Then Nintendo comes out of left field with Eagle buying a switch!!! And Brent snagging a copy of Monster Hunter Generations... whats really going on? As sweet talks of Shadow of Mordor, Firewatch, and of course PUBG rounds off this melancholy B.E.S.T. cast. And they say one is the loneliest number....

Contact Us!

Email: EdgyStances@gmail.com

Twitter: @EdgyStances






