Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: My Friend Pedro

Ep 125: What About the La-Babies??

Hey what's up and happy week to you! This week we, of course, throw around some thoughts on the newly announced Switch Lite; and spend some time with some games besides Destiny (uh, we did that too tho...), and that would be The Outer Wilds, and Crow finished up My Friend Pedro. Please find us on social media and join our discord, we love to talk video games! We are @edgystances, website is edgystances.com, and we hope y'all have the B.E.S.T. week ever! Ratings and reviews, if you're so inclined, are greatly appreciated!

@besteaglealive @rattleboyale

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Ep 124: My Friend PeCrow

Happy National Video Game Day (Part One)!!! Here at EdgyStance.com Studios, we have decided to honor both dates for NVGD. It just makes sense. Today, we talk mostly about the new release My Friend Pedro, but also spend some time trying to express just what the heck is going on in Oxenfree. What have yall been playing this summer? Let us know @Edgystances on Twitter and Instagram and we will give you a shout out! Thanks for listening to this week's show, we hope you subscribe!

@RattleBoyale @BestEagleAlive

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