Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: No Mans Sky

Ep 233: Youtube Presents Twitch's Dr. Lupo

Youtube lined up a couple big name streamers to leave Twitch. Dr. Lupo and Tim The Tatman are exclusively streaming on Youtube now. What could this mean for Twitch? No Man’s Sky is getting yet another huge update proving their dedication to supporting the game. The famous cowboy from Overwatch is getting a new name. Have any suggestions??? Catch our weekly streams on twitch at Edgy Stances!

Ep 74: A Dash of Edgy

Hey we are back this week with a big announcement: We are now being broadcast on Dash Radio! Thank you to all listeners out there for being super rad and we are supremely humbled to have this opportunity!

Aaaanyway...This week we can hardly contain ourselves! With No Man's Sky about to hit our Xbox's and our hearts, and Overwatch getting even more interesting with Buffs N Hamsters going live this week...it's gonna be a big show. Again, thanks for everything, please pass us along to a buddy, and we hope y'all have the B.E.S.T. week you've ever had!

@RattleBoyale, @BestEagleAlive, @EdgyStances