Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: review

Ep 65: Battle Royale Corner

Well, even in the aftermath of disasters such as the delay of Shenmue 3; you have to dig deep and find the strength to move forward. Fortunately, Black Ops 4 and Rage 2 announcements make that easy! This week, we hash out the exciting details of these reveal events put on for both titles. We also reflect and share Celeste, Descenders, and the OnRush Beta. Aaaaaand the day has come to draw the winner of the Dark Souls Remastered GIVEAWAY! Congrats to the winner, and thank everyone involved for playing! And thanks for the listen! If you want to help us out, telling a buddy about us is HUGE. Also, ratings and 5 star reviews really help for exposure. No matter what you do, thanks for being here. Have a great week!

@EdgyStances, @RattleBoyale, @BestEagleAlive

Ep 64: Freakin' Deacons

The Leak. So this list from Wal-Mart has been blowing up gaming news feeds all week long; and with the confirmation of Rage 2 from Bethesda, the validity of all the titles becomes a very exciting prospect. Also this week, we got a look at Days Gone, as Bend Studios has finally started showing off the work they have been putting into their title. We get some news on Sony's focus at the upcoming E3 as well as some juicy lore on the what #ShadowsDieTwice might be...


Thanks for listening, please consider leaving a rating and/or review! Drop us a line @edgystances, and have the B.E.S.T. week ever!


rip radical heights.