Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: Player Unknown's BattleGround

Ep 65: Battle Royale Corner

Well, even in the aftermath of disasters such as the delay of Shenmue 3; you have to dig deep and find the strength to move forward. Fortunately, Black Ops 4 and Rage 2 announcements make that easy! This week, we hash out the exciting details of these reveal events put on for both titles. We also reflect and share Celeste, Descenders, and the OnRush Beta. Aaaaaand the day has come to draw the winner of the Dark Souls Remastered GIVEAWAY! Congrats to the winner, and thank everyone involved for playing! And thanks for the listen! If you want to help us out, telling a buddy about us is HUGE. Also, ratings and 5 star reviews really help for exposure. No matter what you do, thanks for being here. Have a great week!

@EdgyStances, @RattleBoyale, @BestEagleAlive

Ep 45: Hello 2018!


Hey what's up and hello 2018! We are excited to bring you our first show, on the first day of the first month of the year! Now that's edgy! Thanks for sticking with us! We finally spill our guts about the PUBG release on Xbox and Destiny 2: Curse Of Osiris! Check it out! Maybe tell a friend to check it out too…? Visit and follow the IG and the Twitter @EdgyStances, and rate and review on Itunes, if you please. Thank you!




PlayerUnkown's Battlegrounds (for xbox one) prize! The day has come! On the day of one of the quirkiest and most unconventional console releases in history, the B.E.S.T.ies are at the top of their game! Listen to the episode for details on how to score yourself a FREE COPY OF PUBG for the Xbox One! Check out the IG and the Twitter for your chance to enter! IT’S AN EDGY GIVEAWAY! THIS IS IN ALL CAPS SO YOU WILL NOTICE IT AND ACT AND UNDERSTAND THAT WE ARE NOT KIDDING WE WANT TO GIVE FREE STUFF TO OUR FANS!! Thank you and good day.

We also recap The Video Game Awards, chat about Monster Hunter: World, Cuphead, Battlechef Brigade, Warframe, and More!

Ep 40: Buckle Brothers

Hope your turkey weeks were great! We are back, and back in the podcast-saddle* to party up and chat our weeks in gaming! Today we talk our excitement over Assassin's Creed: Origins, Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus, and Horizon Zero Dawn The Frozen Wilds! Destiny 2 news, some mobile games, and OverAchievers come with it like a value meal! While you're at it, you can SUPER SIZE that, in our hearts, with a rating and maybe a review? Thank you! We'll see ya'll in The Cut!


*- podcast saddle is a saddle fashioned for wranglin and wrasslin podcasts. Sometimes referred to as a "paddle"

Ep 30: Sammich Returns

 Happy week, and Happy Raid to everyone out there! This week, we don’t totally throw the WHOLE show into the Destiny Deep Fryer, but, the Raid did go live so we cover a little of that. Some headlines about the New Metroid, Rocket League updates; and a check-up with The Surge in Over Achievers will round out this week! Get a hold of us, suggest what you would like us to cover! Go to the website, or check out the many many many ways we have in which to communicate with us! Thank you!

Once again, this is the link to the Halkiu GoFundMe, to aid with medical expenses through this tough time for them, thank you to everyone participating!!


Ep 26: Total Eclipse of the Podcast

This week on B.E.S.T., we miss Brent but wish him a happy birthday! Eagle and Jacob carry on Crow-less and chat some news about Microsoft's partnership with BlueHole, 4k updates for exciting Xbox titles, and a Division sequel! Jacob reflects on his experience this week thus far with Persona 5, and Eagle finished the main campaign in Breath Of The Wild! All the while, a significant celestial alignment is blotting out the sun outside, and we couldn’t help but comment on it. There was nothing we could do, it was like a total eclipse of the show. Lastly, here we are, six months in! Thank you to all listeners! Seriously…Thanks!

Ep 23: Is Stream Sniping Cheating?

Hello! This week, The B.E.S.T.ies are out of the flesh and back to the their respective desktop setups/beat laboratories! Thank you for your patience with the audio quality from last week. We chat about the new Epic Games console beta of FortNite; as well as the controversy being stirred up in the Player Unknown's Battle Grounds community involving streaming, sniping, and stream sniping. What do your ethics say? Contact us with info below, and thank you to all listeners and WELCOME to any new comers! Hit us up!


Please Rate/Review on Itunes!

Contact Us!

Email: EdgyStances@gmail.com

Twitter: @EdgyStances






Ep 19: The Crash Of Us

This week we spend some time chatting about some quirkier titles that are at a great price and provide just as awesome experiences as the blockbuster releases out there! Check out our convo on Let It Die, Grow Up, The Turing Test, and The Fall! Also, we see first hand the dangers of chicken dinner addiction, as Brent's PUBG habits are firmly tightening their hold on his life and relationships. Got a crippling addiction, or just want to say "Hi!"? Contact us using the info below! As always, thanks to every listener! Tell a buddy, rate, or review…it really helps!


Contact Us!

Email: EdgyStances@gmail.com

Twitter: @EdgyStances








Ep 16: Call Me The Spider

Holy guacamole! The E3 Press Conferences are going BIG this year! With talk of new consoles and a ton of new games,  The B.E.S.T.ies chat about our reaction to Microsoft, Bethesda and EA Games! Lets see how our hopes and fears play over the first half of E3 news in 2017! Thank you to ALL LISTENERS AND REVIEWERS!! We are proud to make this show and truly appreciate it! Find us on your fav Cast Catcher, and if we aren't there, tell us what we're missing and we will get there! Hit us up at Edgystances.squarespace.com; and we hope you have the B.E.S.T. day you’ve ever had!