Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: super mario odyssey

Ep 53: Podcast, Please

Hey hey The BESTies do their thing once again! This week we take a look at some news about the various remasters being planned this year, and discuss what is left of Metal Gear Survive after the rough week it had. Also, Eagle blows our minds with his secret adventures into the dark jungles of Playstation 4…that’s right. The Papers Please film came out and it is fantastic, impressions are in the show as well! Thank you for listening! Ratings and reviews help A LOT! So if we do a good enough job, please tell a buddy! Remember @edgystances for nearly everything if you wanna shout out or have something you would like us to cover.

Remember it is time to Return To Drangleic...To Majula, Scholars!

Ep 37: La Gladialionz

Another week, another show! Big week for Horizon Zero Dawn fans, Brent puts a bow on Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, and Eagle Bowie is chasing some serious moonlight in Super Mario Odyssey!  PUBG (Player Unknown's Battle Grounds), finally gets a solid release date, and we chat about some shocking PC news from Intel and AMD! Blizzcon happened over the weekend with new Overwatch developments, and we cant wait to hash them out. Thank you to all everyone who has found us and is listening! Please throw us some stars and spread the word if you like us! THANK YOU!


Something Edgy, this way comes! Happy Halloween to all listeners! We are back this week with some fresh off the web, hot-crossed podcasting about Playstation in Paris! If you missed it, it was pretty impressive, and the B.E.S.T.ies hash it out. Bloodborne, WOLFENSTEIN: New Colossus, and SUPER MARIO ODYSSEY (!!!) are all on our minds this episode; and we very much thank everyone joining us on another episode! Contact us @edgystances on nearly everything, and let us know what spooky games you enjoy! A rating and maybe a review would be excellent treats for our tricks, if you like us, and we can get ourselves out there! THANK YOU EVERYBODY!!


btw...Have you played Rocket League? Just askin cuz...ya know...Eagle is a master and stuff...