Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: horizon zero dawn

Ep 38: Glycerine

Kept you waiting, huh? Thank you for listening to another new episode of the show! This week, we get our blood pressure meds ready to Escape from Tarkhov, expand our "horizons"(lol) with The Frozen Wilds, the Horizon ZD DLC, and bring a brand of justice that only an eagle can provide over a lawless landscape in Red Dead Redemption! Sorry for the delay, we got it figured out….that was quite the boss battle. Please rate and review if you like us, that is endlessly appreciated, and give us a shout at edgystances.com! Hey, THANKS!

Ep 37: La Gladialionz

Another week, another show! Big week for Horizon Zero Dawn fans, Brent puts a bow on Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, and Eagle Bowie is chasing some serious moonlight in Super Mario Odyssey!  PUBG (Player Unknown's Battle Grounds), finally gets a solid release date, and we chat about some shocking PC news from Intel and AMD! Blizzcon happened over the weekend with new Overwatch developments, and we cant wait to hash them out. Thank you to all everyone who has found us and is listening! Please throw us some stars and spread the word if you like us! THANK YOU!

Ep 9: Thunder Dumping

#preparetobetrolled! Code Vein got us good! This week we chat a little on that, some great new PC tech, Jacob Vs. The DinoBots in Horizon Zero Dawn, and we have a discussion on games that impressed us with innovations (sweet sweet memories...) Thanks and check us out on Twitter and the website, Edgystances.squarespace.com! No time for spoilers, this week!