Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: warframe


PlayerUnkown's Battlegrounds (for xbox one) prize! The day has come! On the day of one of the quirkiest and most unconventional console releases in history, the B.E.S.T.ies are at the top of their game! Listen to the episode for details on how to score yourself a FREE COPY OF PUBG for the Xbox One! Check out the IG and the Twitter for your chance to enter! IT’S AN EDGY GIVEAWAY! THIS IS IN ALL CAPS SO YOU WILL NOTICE IT AND ACT AND UNDERSTAND THAT WE ARE NOT KIDDING WE WANT TO GIVE FREE STUFF TO OUR FANS!! Thank you and good day.

We also recap The Video Game Awards, chat about Monster Hunter: World, Cuphead, Battlechef Brigade, Warframe, and More!