Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: The Surge

Ep 41: Yolanda!!!

Hope you're having the B.E.S.T week ever! We are back this week to chat gaming, specifically, Star Wars Battlefront 2, and Assassin's Creed: Origins. BestGuestAlive, Kerry, joins us on this episode! Destiny 2 Curse Of Osiris  is about to go live at time of recording this, as is The Surge A Walk In The Park. Tune in to hear our plans with these exciting additions to these games! Stick around for the PLUS minutes we are posting seperately now. No regard for spoilers, just a warning!


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Ep 14: Destined 2 Surge!

A tale of 2 Destinies, and an urge to share The Surge! This is what brings the B.E.S.T. Bros together this episode! As promised last week, we are back with chats about the juicy Destiny 2 formal reveal, and share our excitement with the news of our progress and "review" (we are not critics) of THE SURGE! This issue is packed with content, so no spoilers this week! Thanks Bungie/Activision, and thank you to Deck 13! Aaaand thank y'all in the Internet for listening! Check us out on Itunes (rate and review if that's your thing ;p), Stitcher, and Podcast Addict! Send us an email at EdgyStances@gmail.com! THANK YOU SO MUCH!