Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: Videogames

Ep 63: Shatter Scott

Hey, here's to another B.E.S.T. week ever! This episode, we discuss some cryptic rumors about Destiny 2, Nier Automata, and Beyond Good & Evil 2. The suspense can finally pass as revelations over the "comet" in Fortnite are made clear. PlayerUnknown's BattleGrounds introduces yet another game type, and big updates change the landscapes of Overwatch. Thanks for checking out the episode, please tell a friend, and find us on IG/Twitter @EdgyStances!

Ep 43: F*** The Edgies!

So, 2017 was pretty rad. We are coming to the end of our first year, and have learned a lot. This week we revisit some of our favorite titles and accomplishments of the past year and award them with The Edgies! Of course, the biggest accomplishment of 2017 for us is getting a spot in y'alls podcast list!! Thank you! We wish we had a little trophy for all of you buuuut….reasons involving budgets and science….

What we do have is a shiny copy of PUBG for XBOX for the winner of our Giveaway! We announce the result on this episode. Hope you got your name in the hat! Thanks to everyone who played, stay tuned for more! Speaking of staying tuned…subscribe please, and maybe leave a rating and review! It helps our little edgy crab fight its way out of that bucket! Thanks!

Ep 38: Glycerine

Kept you waiting, huh? Thank you for listening to another new episode of the show! This week, we get our blood pressure meds ready to Escape from Tarkhov, expand our "horizons"(lol) with The Frozen Wilds, the Horizon ZD DLC, and bring a brand of justice that only an eagle can provide over a lawless landscape in Red Dead Redemption! Sorry for the delay, we got it figured out….that was quite the boss battle. Please rate and review if you like us, that is endlessly appreciated, and give us a shout at edgystances.com! Hey, THANKS!

Ep 32: Just Cups With Smiley Faces

The day has come once again for a new episode! Thankfully, we can say that we have successfully completed the Raid in Destiny 2! No worries, its not the Destiny Show! This week we have news on Red Dead Redemption 2, Nioh and its PC debut, Cuphead! Finally, we chat on a the topic of what games changed and challenged our tastes, and how did those titles stand out to us. Over Achieversis Halo 3!  SIDE NOTE: As constant as they seem to be, our tech problems might as well be a 5th co-host….we are swtiching software YET AGAIN for next week, because we have some awkward edits that had to be made. Cant thank everyone enough for their patience! We will get it all ironed out, we promise!

Ep 23: Is Stream Sniping Cheating?

Hello! This week, The B.E.S.T.ies are out of the flesh and back to the their respective desktop setups/beat laboratories! Thank you for your patience with the audio quality from last week. We chat about the new Epic Games console beta of FortNite; as well as the controversy being stirred up in the Player Unknown's Battle Grounds community involving streaming, sniping, and stream sniping. What do your ethics say? Contact us with info below, and thank you to all listeners and WELCOME to any new comers! Hit us up!


Please Rate/Review on Itunes!

Contact Us!

Email: EdgyStances@gmail.com

Twitter: @EdgyStances






Ep 18: Enchanted Milwaukee's Best Cans

This week, the B.E.S.T.ies are at it again! We chat about the Steam Summer Sale, Final Fantasy XV's big update, News in the universe of Elite: Dangerous, and give a little more attention to what we saw of Ashen, and Monster Hunter: World! Eagle has finally EMERGED from THE SURGE! Overachievers AND EarMuffs(what we have started calling our spoily doily time) are both on the Surge this week, aaaand Brent is the Old Crow again, Spider just didn’t work out. You are who you are. Thank you to everyone listening! Passing along to a friend is much appreciated, as well as rate and review! Get in touch with us using the info posted below, and have the B.E.S.T. day EVER!


Contact Us!

Email: EdgyStances@gmail.com

Twitter: @EdgyStances









Ep 17: Call Me The Spider, Part 2

We are BACK with Part Deux of our reactions to the Big Boys' press conferences at E3 2017! Jacob, Eagle, and THE SPIDER party chat about what we can look forward to from Ubisoft, Sony, and Nintendo! We gush about Rocket League on the Nintendo Switch, the new-new Shadow of the Colossus (for real), and Far Cry 5! What are y'all looking forward to? Let us know using the info in the show notes! THANK YOU to all listeners!!!

Please Rate/Review on Itunes!


Contact Us!

Email: EdgyStances@gmail.com

Twitter: @EdgyStances








Ep 15: B.E.S.T.ies

Do you have the need? The need fo…nevermind. This week we are at it again, excited about the announced Need For Speed: Payback! With the upcoming 2 year anniversary for Rocket League, we chat about the upcoming update and break down Rocket League for those who just haven't experienced the magic just yet. The robot masters, AMD and Intel are at it again, as Brent briefs us on the exciting new products that will no doubt aid in the overthrowing of human governments, one day. Lol. But really. Anyway, THANK YOU to all listeners, sooo much! Beam is now Mixer! So find us on Mixer.com/EdgyStances, or Twitch at /BloodShotEyesSoreThumbs! EdgyStances.Squarespace.com

Ep 14: Destined 2 Surge!

A tale of 2 Destinies, and an urge to share The Surge! This is what brings the B.E.S.T. Bros together this episode! As promised last week, we are back with chats about the juicy Destiny 2 formal reveal, and share our excitement with the news of our progress and "review" (we are not critics) of THE SURGE! This issue is packed with content, so no spoilers this week! Thanks Bungie/Activision, and thank you to Deck 13! Aaaand thank y'all in the Internet for listening! Check us out on Itunes (rate and review if that's your thing ;p), Stitcher, and Podcast Addict! Send us an email at EdgyStances@gmail.com! THANK YOU SO MUCH!