Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: Xbox One

Ep 60: Cats 'N Hobos

Duuuuude 4/20 is coming what are your plans?  Some God Of War? Chilling with Labo? What about getting that high score in Donkey Kong? The B.e.s.ties hash this out for themselves this week; and share our thoughts from a week with Radical Heights and Extinction. Also, the hunt for Jacob's Bird Tribe name continues…

The Dark Souls Giveaway, continues as well. So go get on it!

Thank you listeners, we know its too soon but we can't help but say it, we love you. Even though you play it off soooo cool. Stars and reviews help tremendously; and please tell a buddy about us!

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Ep 30: Sammich Returns

 Happy week, and Happy Raid to everyone out there! This week, we don’t totally throw the WHOLE show into the Destiny Deep Fryer, but, the Raid did go live so we cover a little of that. Some headlines about the New Metroid, Rocket League updates; and a check-up with The Surge in Over Achievers will round out this week! Get a hold of us, suggest what you would like us to cover! Go to the website, or check out the many many many ways we have in which to communicate with us! Thank you!

Once again, this is the link to the Halkiu GoFundMe, to aid with medical expenses through this tough time for them, thank you to everyone participating!!


Ep 29: Edgy Guardians

Another week has come and gone…and we didn’t even feel it! We spent this week surveying the galaxy for space crime, and guarding the light in Destiny 2! If you don’t like Destiny…umm…we are sorry, that’s just how the show came out and we hope to see ya next week! Find us at EdgyStances.com, and a rate/review is always appreciated. Thank you for listening!


The Go Fund Me profile page to aid the Halkiu Family in medical expenses through this difficult time can be found below.  Any donation would will be greatly appreciated or please let a friend know!




See y'all next week!

Ep 28: Couch Chilla

The B.E.S.T.ies are just chillin this week as we are super hyped for the release of Destiny 2 in a couple of days! We chat about what we have been playing this past week (Absolver, Beholder, Life Is Strange), what Old Crow will be playing next week (Metroid 2 3DS), and our cross fit routines so that we are in Guardian-Shape come Thursday. Thank you so much for checking out the show! Please, feel free to rate/write/review on itunes! Edgystances.com, edgystances@gmail.com!



Ep 15: B.E.S.T.ies

Do you have the need? The need fo…nevermind. This week we are at it again, excited about the announced Need For Speed: Payback! With the upcoming 2 year anniversary for Rocket League, we chat about the upcoming update and break down Rocket League for those who just haven't experienced the magic just yet. The robot masters, AMD and Intel are at it again, as Brent briefs us on the exciting new products that will no doubt aid in the overthrowing of human governments, one day. Lol. But really. Anyway, THANK YOU to all listeners, sooo much! Beam is now Mixer! So find us on Mixer.com/EdgyStances, or Twitch at /BloodShotEyesSoreThumbs! EdgyStances.Squarespace.com

Ep 14: Destined 2 Surge!

A tale of 2 Destinies, and an urge to share The Surge! This is what brings the B.E.S.T. Bros together this episode! As promised last week, we are back with chats about the juicy Destiny 2 formal reveal, and share our excitement with the news of our progress and "review" (we are not critics) of THE SURGE! This issue is packed with content, so no spoilers this week! Thanks Bungie/Activision, and thank you to Deck 13! Aaaand thank y'all in the Internet for listening! Check us out on Itunes (rate and review if that's your thing ;p), Stitcher, and Podcast Addict! Send us an email at EdgyStances@gmail.com! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Ep 13: Tell Em Bethesda Sent Ya!

You down with Pre E3? Yeah, you know me! On yet another episode of BEST Cast, The Boys speak on our hopes and dreams of E3! You know, that big big game party out West! Tune in for chats on what we are most excited about seeing at the Electronic Entertainment Expo; and the future of PMMORPG's (Pirate Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games, for the n00bs out there :p). As always, thank you so much for listening, and feel free to reach out to us! EdgyStances@gmail.com, @EdgyStances on Twitter!