Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: Death Stranding

Ep 134: Bordery Stances

Loot Shootin Boogie, Again! So this week we got to dip our toes into some Borderlands 3! A game that thus far can only be described as a "Jabberific Chortlefest"….so…yeah. We had just a day or so with it so a little more next week, but we give our first impressions in this episode! Also, we finally got to see some footage of Hideo Kojima showing off Death Stranding and a big ol chunk of gameplay. Overachievers is Gears 5 this week! What have you been playing? Find us @Edgystances on Twitter and IG, or join the Discord! We want to know the coolest weapon yall have found so far in B3! Until next week, as Crow would say, Adieu! @BestEagleAlive @RattleBoyale


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Ep 119: Pod By Daylight

E3 is almost here! The leaks and trailers are starting and we are here to have our minds blown! We also spent a lot of time with a lot of titles and need to get our thoughts out! Code Vein showed some signs of life with a tech test this week, and the guys find out the fuss about Dead By Daylight. We also cover Void Bastards, and WARFACE for the Xbox! Find us @edgystances on social media, and join the conversation on our Discord server! You can find the link to that on Twitter. Thanks for listening to the episode! If it's your first, stick around and check out some titles in our backlog at edgystances.com! @RattleBoyale @BestEagleAlive


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Ep 83: Requiem For A Rondo

Does that sound fun? Course it does! We got some new info revealed about Death Stranding this week at Tokyo Game Show, and we are foaming at the mouth! Still in withdrawals from our crazy weekend with Blackout, the B.E.S.T.ies still found time to finish up Spiderman, experience Undertale for the first time, and still knock out some grindage in Ollll Destiny. Sony is making some interesting moves and the guys react to these interesting turn of events. If you want to keep up with our turns of events, find us on social media, @EdgyStances; and check out the Discord Server! Contact through email at EdgyStances@gmail.com. please share with a friend, we would love you for-evzzz and maybe leave a rating/review? Thanks and have a great week!

@BestEagleAlive @RattleBoyale

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Ep 69: E3 of Legend

WOOOOO what a weekend. Not this past one, the E3 weekend! Yeah yeah, we are a week behind at the moment, but only to cover the second half of E3 2018!!!! This week we cover the Sony, Ubisoft, and Nintendo press conferences for the big weekend! We also spent some time with, and chat up Wizard Of Legend. What's your fav show of E3? Let us know! @Edgystances, Edgystances@gmail.com, mayyyybeeeee rate and review us?? We appreciate all you listeners out there, THANK YOU so much!
@RattleBoyale, @BestEagleAlive, @EdgyStances, EdgyStances.com