Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: Sekiro

Ep 110: ShiCrowbi

Hello! It's time for another episode of the B.E.S.T.! Borderlands 3 has finally been announced, and we chat about just a couple things out of PAX East. We also spent some more time with Sekiro, and a title just added to Game Pass, Operencia. Thanks KS for listening, telling a buddy would be stellar!!! Thanks, and have the B.E.S.T. week everrrrr @Rattle Boyale @BestEagleAlive @EdgyStances


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Ep 79: Spicy Ramen

Before we get into it, be sure to check out the new show at Edgy Stances, called the Podcast of Power! A retrospective and fan show for everything Dragonball! This week, we take a look at what we saw from the titles that most excited us as Gamescom, get hyped for Destiny 2 Forsaken, Xbox All Access is revealed...and it is interesting...plus some time spent with a couple Xbox GamePass titles, Rime and Graveyard Keeper. Thanks for listening, please rate and review if you like what we do. Don't forget about the new Edgy-stances.com show, Podcast Of Power!

@RattleBoyale, @Besteaglealive, @edgystances 

Ep 69: E3 of Legend

WOOOOO what a weekend. Not this past one, the E3 weekend! Yeah yeah, we are a week behind at the moment, but only to cover the second half of E3 2018!!!! This week we cover the Sony, Ubisoft, and Nintendo press conferences for the big weekend! We also spent some time with, and chat up Wizard Of Legend. What's your fav show of E3? Let us know! @Edgystances, Edgystances@gmail.com, mayyyybeeeee rate and review us?? We appreciate all you listeners out there, THANK YOU so much!
@RattleBoyale, @BestEagleAlive, @EdgyStances, EdgyStances.com