Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: division 2

Ep 69: E3 of Legend

WOOOOO what a weekend. Not this past one, the E3 weekend! Yeah yeah, we are a week behind at the moment, but only to cover the second half of E3 2018!!!! This week we cover the Sony, Ubisoft, and Nintendo press conferences for the big weekend! We also spent some time with, and chat up Wizard Of Legend. What's your fav show of E3? Let us know! @Edgystances, Edgystances@gmail.com, mayyyybeeeee rate and review us?? We appreciate all you listeners out there, THANK YOU so much!
@RattleBoyale, @BestEagleAlive, @EdgyStances, EdgyStances.com

Ep 66: Unlimited Stances w/ Carlo Rojas! (Gus_53)

What a special event we have lined up this week! Not only did Dark Souls Remastered, an undead favorite, finally make it to our eager consoles; but we get the extra pleasure of having Carlo Rojas, talent of the fantastic gaming comedy podcast Unlimited Lives join us for the hype! You really need to check out their show if you enjoy gaming, and smiling. They are hilarious. Check them out on your fav podcast app, and LastPodcastNetwork.com!


....maybe, while you're there, throw all of us some stars/reviews...? Thanks listeners, we love ya. Hope y'all have the B.E.S.T. week ever!

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