Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: legend of zelda

Ep 43: F*** The Edgies!

So, 2017 was pretty rad. We are coming to the end of our first year, and have learned a lot. This week we revisit some of our favorite titles and accomplishments of the past year and award them with The Edgies! Of course, the biggest accomplishment of 2017 for us is getting a spot in y'alls podcast list!! Thank you! We wish we had a little trophy for all of you buuuut….reasons involving budgets and science….

What we do have is a shiny copy of PUBG for XBOX for the winner of our Giveaway! We announce the result on this episode. Hope you got your name in the hat! Thanks to everyone who played, stay tuned for more! Speaking of staying tuned…subscribe please, and maybe leave a rating and review! It helps our little edgy crab fight its way out of that bucket! Thanks!

Ep 26: Total Eclipse of the Podcast

This week on B.E.S.T., we miss Brent but wish him a happy birthday! Eagle and Jacob carry on Crow-less and chat some news about Microsoft's partnership with BlueHole, 4k updates for exciting Xbox titles, and a Division sequel! Jacob reflects on his experience this week thus far with Persona 5, and Eagle finished the main campaign in Breath Of The Wild! All the while, a significant celestial alignment is blotting out the sun outside, and we couldn’t help but comment on it. There was nothing we could do, it was like a total eclipse of the show. Lastly, here we are, six months in! Thank you to all listeners! Seriously…Thanks!