Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: rocket league

Ep 212: Bring Your Own Broom

Another week and another potential Microsoft acquisition. Discord may be the next Microsoft company. Rocket League has a new mobile game coming called Sideswipe. A new game called Necromunda Hired Gun was announced and looks pretty cool. Catch our weekly streams on twitch at Edgy Stances!

Ep 67: Pre-E3 2018 Hype!!!

Its here! Its happening! E3 2018 kicks off in a couple of days; with special events hosted by the developers we all know and love scheduled for nearly every day this week leading up to the big party! GuestKerryAlive sits in for an absent Eagle and we all talk Pokemon, Fallout 76, Anthem, and what we all hope to see the most this weekend! Let us know what you are looking forward to, hit us up @EdgyStances, or Edgystances@gmail.com! Stars and reviews are hugely appreciated around here! Hope you have a great week and we will be chatting with you all again soon!

@RattleBoyale, @BestEagleAlive, @EdgyStances, @BestKerryAlive

Ep 43: F*** The Edgies!

So, 2017 was pretty rad. We are coming to the end of our first year, and have learned a lot. This week we revisit some of our favorite titles and accomplishments of the past year and award them with The Edgies! Of course, the biggest accomplishment of 2017 for us is getting a spot in y'alls podcast list!! Thank you! We wish we had a little trophy for all of you buuuut….reasons involving budgets and science….

What we do have is a shiny copy of PUBG for XBOX for the winner of our Giveaway! We announce the result on this episode. Hope you got your name in the hat! Thanks to everyone who played, stay tuned for more! Speaking of staying tuned…subscribe please, and maybe leave a rating and review! It helps our little edgy crab fight its way out of that bucket! Thanks!

Ep 28: Couch Chilla

The B.E.S.T.ies are just chillin this week as we are super hyped for the release of Destiny 2 in a couple of days! We chat about what we have been playing this past week (Absolver, Beholder, Life Is Strange), what Old Crow will be playing next week (Metroid 2 3DS), and our cross fit routines so that we are in Guardian-Shape come Thursday. Thank you so much for checking out the show! Please, feel free to rate/write/review on itunes! Edgystances.com, edgystances@gmail.com!