Edgy Stances

Podcast-based Radness

Filtering by Tag: Rocket League

Ep 179: Crowcase Crowdown

Soooo we got some big big news from Microsoft this week about the future of Xbox as far as some looks at upcoming titles for the holiday season. We hash it out! Thanks for listening!

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Ep 52: A Burning, Churning Yearning

So its been a year, officially. Thank you so much, whoever you are reading this! It has been a lot of fun, and we hope you stick with us! So this week we chat about The Hunt, some older driving classics, and OverAchievers. Can't wait for year 2!


Ep 30: Sammich Returns

 Happy week, and Happy Raid to everyone out there! This week, we don’t totally throw the WHOLE show into the Destiny Deep Fryer, but, the Raid did go live so we cover a little of that. Some headlines about the New Metroid, Rocket League updates; and a check-up with The Surge in Over Achievers will round out this week! Get a hold of us, suggest what you would like us to cover! Go to the website, or check out the many many many ways we have in which to communicate with us! Thank you!

Once again, this is the link to the Halkiu GoFundMe, to aid with medical expenses through this tough time for them, thank you to everyone participating!!


Ep 27: Like Eyes Rolling on a Dark Souls Beach...

Hey Hey! We are here with a full crew at the mic's! We welcome back the Old Crow and we do what we do here this week on B.E.S.T.! Short and sweet, on account of some software difficulties, but we chat news on ongoing Esports events, and a discussion on Dark Souls 2, Scholar of the First Sin! Thank you so much for listening! Feel free to write us and please rate/review/evangelize the show! Stay Embered!

Ep 15: B.E.S.T.ies

Do you have the need? The need fo…nevermind. This week we are at it again, excited about the announced Need For Speed: Payback! With the upcoming 2 year anniversary for Rocket League, we chat about the upcoming update and break down Rocket League for those who just haven't experienced the magic just yet. The robot masters, AMD and Intel are at it again, as Brent briefs us on the exciting new products that will no doubt aid in the overthrowing of human governments, one day. Lol. But really. Anyway, THANK YOU to all listeners, sooo much! Beam is now Mixer! So find us on Mixer.com/EdgyStances, or Twitch at /BloodShotEyesSoreThumbs! EdgyStances.Squarespace.com